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Reference Sires



Diamond Sunshine Stella

(date unknown, source unknown)

*B Sunshine Stella's Selection (AI Sire)

French Alpine A238875
Born 2/2/76

     SS: ++B Diamond Star De Pere

S: +B Diamond Sunshine Freestyle

     SD: Day's Sunny Dell Fleeta


     DS: ++*B Laurelwood Acres Commander

D: GCH Diamond Sunshine Stella 05-05 91 VEEE 3*M

     DD: GCH Diamond Sunshine Stormy 2*M


LA: 02-05

76 F++

4 of his 5 daughters with Production Evaluations averaged 1,501 STD Milk.


He is a full brother to Sunshine Stella's Vicar who went on to be the sire of a high selling Colorama Sale doe, 1 SGCH (son), 3 GCH (2 daughters & 1 son), and 1 CH (daughter). 7 of his 14 daughters  with Production Evaluations averaged 1,686 STD Milk.


Their dam was also a National Champion!


Sire to Coyote Track SSS St. Chip, St. Sassy, & St. Dash

*B Chairein S Blackstar (AI Sire)

American Alpine AA1787806
Born 4/15/16

     SS: +*B Chairein YK Cast A Spell

S: ++*B SG Chairein YK Sexsation

     SD: SGCH Chairein Van Brie 06-04 94 EEEE 1*M


     DS: +*B Bearly Emperor Nimitz 02-02 83 +VE

D: SGCH Chairein Nimi Ballerina 07-05 92 EEEE 2*M

     DD: SGCH Chairein Van Brie 06-04 94 EEEE 1*M


He was a 2016 ADGA Spotlight Sale Alpine buck and sold for $5,900.

For more information, including pictures of him and his upline go here:

His ETA21: 96 & ETA12: 112

Casein A/E


Full Brother: Chairein Sexy Blitz has sired 14 daughters that have an average Milk STD of ~3114 (lowest is ~2450 and highest is ~3480) and all are outcrosses that are less than 0.3% Inbred.


Sire to Coyote Track CSB Masher & CSB Marty


Chairein S Blackstar

(date unknown, source unknown)

Straw Pricing and other information is NOT mine.


Tempo Aquila Rich Legacy

(December 2013, source: Lucky Hook Farm)


*B CH Tempo Aquila Rich Legacy (AI Sire)

American Alpine AA1597422
Born 3/5/12

     SS: ++*B Kickapoo-Valley HL Lord Wimsey 03-02 91 EEE

S: ++*B GCH Roeburn's Legacy

     SD: 6*M SGCH Roeburn's BR Rose of Sharon 05-04 92 EEEE


     DS: ++*B SG Redwood Hills Jaeger 06-07 91 EEE

D: 5*M SGCH Tempo Aquila Ricciolini 05-05 91 EEEE

     DD: 4*M SGCH Tempo Aquila Tetrazzini 07-02 94 EEEE


LA: 02-05 89

       05-03 92 EEE

His ETA21: 87 & ETA12: 80

Currently he has 2 CH progeny (1 daughter & 1 son).

Tempo Aquila Ricciolini

(date unknown, source: Lucky Hook Far)

*B Tempo Aquila Copyright (AI Sire)

French Alpine A1079096
Born 3/3/98

     SS: ++*B Missdee's Rocket Master 04-03 84 +EE

S: ++B Missdee's Barracuda 01-06 87 VEV

     SD: CH Missdee's Dauphin 05-01 87 VEV+


     DS: ++*B GCH Tempo Aquila Free Radical 02-03 87 VEV

D: GCH Tempo Aquila Offset 02-02 88 VEVV 6*M

     DD: GCH Green Valley Jex Isis 11-03 91 EEEV 5*M


LA: 01-04 84+V+

His dam was the high seller at the 1998 Colorama Sale

According to the Walnut-Mtn(?) website:

"Copy was black & white spotted. He was wide, level and stood on sound feet and legs with excellent angulation and short pasterns. Barracuda was the Premier Sire of '95 Nationals and also 3rd place Senior Get of Sire at the 98 Nationals. His Dam Offset was the high selling doe at the 98 Colorama Sale. His Grandsire Radical is 1st place Jr Get of Sire at the '02 ADGA Nationals. "


His ETA21: -110 & ETA12: -187


Tempo Aquila Copyright

(photo courtesy of Walnut-Mtn(?), date unknown)

*B CH PJ-Baileys' Driver Aragon (AI Sire)

American Alpine AA1733930
Born 2/18/15

     SS: ++*B SG Angel-Prairie Brutus Realthing 06-01 91 EEV

S: +*B GCH Cherry Glen Realthing Driver 04-06 90 VEE

     SD: DKIDD Dinah' Dianna 7*M


     DS: ++*B GCH Windrush Farms IRS Charmer 04-06 89 VEV

D: GCH PJ-Baileys' Charmer Aglimmer 05-04 92 EEEE 6*M

     DD: SGCH PJ-Baileys' Sulten Arabella 06-05 91 VEEE 5*M


He already has 2 SG daughters, 1 CH daughter, and 1 CH son.

His ETA21: 21 & ETA12: 47

From Pangea Farms:

"Aragon has been undefeated alpine in every ring he was shown in for his whole show career .


Aragon is a son of 6*M GCH PJ-BAILEYS' Charmer Aglimmer . Who in turn was the daughter of CH Windrush farms IRS Charmer. (Whom he looks very much like)
Aragon is a striking looking buck that excels in general appearance. And he stamps good general appearance on his daughters. He produces daughters with improved mammary systems especially in the area of attachment. And will help build from the ground up with excellent feet and legs.

Though Aragon is still a young buck he has already started to work on making a name for himself.
One of his daughters made first place senior kid at the 2017 ADGA national show. And in 2018 one of his daughters followed in his dams footsteps and made junior national champion."


PJ-Baileys' Driver Aragon

(photos courtesy of Pangea Farms)


PJ-Baileys' Driver Aragon

(photo courtesy of Pangea Farms, fall 2019)

PJ-Baileys' Charmer Aglimmer 5yr old profile & 3 yr old udder (photos courtesy of PJ-Baileys')

Cherry Glen Realthing Driver (photo courtesy of PJ-Baileys')

+*B SG Dairy-Delight Signo Select (AI Sire)

French Alpine A0828226
Born 4/1/91

     SS: ++*B Nixon's Larkspur

S: ++*B Serendipity's Jackson Brown

     SD: GCH Serendipity's Jenny 01-06 89 VVEE 4*M


     DS: ++*B SG Glory Lane Acclaim Advancer 03-04 84 ++V

D: SG Sunshine Advancer Signo 02-02 85 ++EV 7*M

     DD: Sunshine Patrick Signet 06-04 84 +V++ 6*M


Based off of 7 daughters and 9 lactations we see an average of 2,504 pounds of milk, 94 pounds of fat and 77 pounds of protein. Milk PTA -59, 2.8F, 1.4P .80T. Of those daughters, 3 of them have earned their SG designation.


PTI21: 94

PTI12: 170

ETA21: 29

ETA12: 92


Pleasant-Grove Machine Fixed

(photo courtesy of Pleasant Grove Dairy Goats)


Pleasant-Grove RR Freeze Frame

(photo courtesy of Pleasant Grove Dairy Goats)

Pleasant-Grove RR Freeze Frame (AI Sire)

French Alpine A1822238
Born 2/18/16 - DECEASED

     SS: ++*B SG Sunshine Conina Condor 04-03 88 VEE (ELITE)

S: +*B SGCH Marran Rose's Rochester (ELITE)

     SD: CH Marran Rapture's Rose


     DS: Pleasant-Grove Zen Machine

D: CH Pleasant-Grove Machine Fixed 05-04 91 EEEE

     DD: Pleasant-Grove Electric Feet 05-04 90 VEEE


Courtesy of Pleasant Grove Dairy Goats:

"Frame is a correct and powerful buck that is fulfilling the promise of his pedigree. He is a son of the 2017 and 2018 National Premier Alpine Sire and USDA Elite sire SGCH Marran Rose’s Rochester and our own Champion/Nat’l Show udder placing doe, Fixed. Frame is transmitting the strength and width of his sire along with the producing ability and rear udder width/arch of his dam. His first 4 fresh daughters have the length of body, strength and mammary we expected, and give us the confidence to use Frame very heavily going forward. 3 daughters were appraised in 2019, scoring VG87 (yearling), VG89 (Yearling), and VG89 (2 yr old). Unable to attend the National show in 2019 or 2020, we finally got a chance to show off Frame progeny on a National scale, and they did not disappoint: 4th place Junior kid, 4th place Int. kid, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Sr. Kids, 1st place Junior Get of Sire, Junior National Champion, all of which helped Frame earn National Premier Sire! Making him a second generation National Premier Sire. Alpha S1 Casein E/F"


His dam, Fixed, was on milk test for her 2021 lactation and according to CDCB in 312 days she produced 3,490 pounds of milk, 118 pounds of fat & 110 pounds of protein all while on her 7th lactation! She has 2 more additional barn records that are over 3,000 pounds as well. She has had an excellent show career and has proven to be capabale of holding up well over the years.


Expecting 2022 kids out of Pleasant-Grove Jam Fiona!

*B Little-Walnut WFD Grand Slam (AI Sire)

American Alpine AA1074828
Born 3/9/98

     SS: +*B Paisley-Park KTY. Kernal 03-03 88 VEV

S: *B Walnut-Fork K.K. Demolition 06-03 84 +VE

     SD: SGCH Walnut Fork XCell Destruction 06-02 91 EEEE 6*M


     DS: +*B GCH Anacacho Shillelagh 02-04 85 VVV

D: GCH L. Reed's Farm As Grand Lady 03-02 83 VVVA 4*M

     DD: L. Reed's Farm ROM Lady's Girl (Polled) 02-04 77 FVVF 3*M


His ETA21: -16 & ETA12: 56


Pleasant-Grove RR All Star Jam (AI Sire)

Frenc Alpine A1962355
Born 2/1/18

     SS: ++*B SG Sunshine Conina Condor 04-03 88 VEE (ELITE)

S: +*B SGCH Marran Rose's Rochester (ELITE)

     SD: CH Marran Rapture's Rose


     DS: YBNVS Lucky Zorro

D: Pleasant-Grove Zorro Jamboree 02-03 91 EEEE

     DD: Pleasant-Grove Amen I'm Jammin 05-05 91 EEEE


Courtesy of Pleasant Grove Dairy Goats:

"Jam is a correct young buck that we are excited to use, and after seeing 6 daughters fresh as yearlings in 2020, we used him fairly heavily this fall and last. He is sired by 2-time National Premier Sire, Rochester. His dam appraised EX91 EEEE as a 2 year old, and has one of the best udders we have ever bred. She is a 6th generation EX udder, and a direct maternal descendant of 2000 Nat’l RGCH Willabelle Acres FJE Jaguar. We love the power, length, and uniformity of Jam’s first kids, and can’t wait to get some more next spring. Jam’s first milking daughters did not disappoint with all 6 having excellent udders (in our opinion). The uniformity of RU arch, medial strength, teat placement, and globular shape gives us a ton of confidence in Jam. Alpha Casein A/F"

His first 6 yearling daughters appraised VG86-89 and 2 two year old daughters appraised Excellent.


His dam, Jamboree, was on milk test for 2021 and according to CDCB in 309 days she produced 4,090 pounds of milk, 137 pounds of fat & 121 pounds of protein all while on her 5th lactation! She has earned 2 legs towards her CH status.


Sire to Pleasant-Grove Jam Fiona



Pleasant-Grove Zorro Jamboree - 2020

(photo courtesy of Pleasant Grove Dairy Goats)


Pleasant-Grove RR All Star Jam

(photo courtesy of Pleasant Grove Dairy Goats)

PJ-Baileys' Magnum Appleby

French Alpine A2091409
Born 2/14/20

     SS: +*B SGCH Marran Rose's Rochester (ELITE)

S: Pleasant-Grove RR Magnum

     SD: Pleasant-Grove Moody From Sins 02-04 90 VEEE


     DS: +*B Angel-Prairie Krazy Train 04-03 90 VEE

D: 3*M SG PJ-Baileys' KT Apple Crisp 02-04 90 VEEE (ELITE)

     DD: 2*M SGCHPJ-Baileys' FF Apple Toffee 03-06 91 EEEE


Appleby is owned by Kisha Snyder


His current strengths are his width, length, disposition, strength, angulation, is uphill, and boy does he have a GORGEOUS head. I am eager to have access to him (thank you Kisha!) and can't wait to see what his babies are like! With the genetics he has behind him I think it is safe to say that Kisha and I both have high hopes for him.



PJ-Baileys' KT Apple Crisp - 3 year old

(photos courtesy of PJ Baileys' Alpine Dairy Goats)


Pleasant-Grove RR Magnum - 2 year old

(photo courtesy of PJ Baileys' Alpine Dairy Goats)

FB_IMG_1555112706518 (2).jpg

Alpenthal's Muleberry pictured late winter/early spring 2019

Alpenthal's Muleberry pictured 12/22/18

AlpenthalsHeather_031218_before kidding.

Alpenthal's Heather pictured 3/12/18 before she kidded

Photo courtesy of Alpenthal's Dairy Goats

Alpenthal's Muleberry

American Alpine AA1926720
Born 3/12/18

     SS: *B CH Chateau Briant's Bon Idee 06-04 89 VEE

S: *B CH Dawnwind Ideal Big Money 01-05 83 +++

     SD: SGCH Dawnwind Magnifique Medisima 08-04 92 EEEE 3*M


     DS: Cowgirl Corner Lassie' Downton

D: Alpenthal's Heather

     DD: SG Chateau Briant's Jacquard 03-02 87 VEVV 11*M



More information and photos of Berry's dam can be found here:


​More information and photos of Berry's sire can be found here:


Alpenthal's Muleberry was owned by Jennifer Baker of Douglas, WY.


Sire to Coyote Track AM Jolene


Alpenthal's Heather

Photo courtesy of Alpenthal's Dairy Goats


Dawnwind Ideal Big Money and his sire Chateau Briant's Bon Idee pictured September 2018

Photo courtesy of Alpenthal's Dairy Goats

Coyote Track Ranch


Casper, WY 82604

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