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You can now find our products at The Milk House Farmers Market in Mills, WY at 67 S 6th Ave


Raw Goat Milk

Currently (5/1/23) we have fresh, raw goat milk available and are gradually accepting new customers, please check back. I do have a limited amount of frozen chevre available.

We will typically start to freshen our does as early as mid/late March and milk will become available not long afterwards.

If you would like to be added to a waiting list please contact me.


Our milking practices:

We always try to chill our milk as quickly as we can. All milk has been strained/filtered. We ONLY use glass containers/jars when storing milk for human consumption. No milk will ever be sold for human consumption while under withdrawal periods (when antibiotics and other medications are necessary). We always use a stainless steel bucket/pail for milking and the does udder is always washed/wiped off before milking. Each doe gets to happily munch on a grain/alfalfa pellet mixture while being milked. We have officially added a milk machine to our milking process but also still do some hand milking.


Fresh or Frozen milk is typically available


Great for drinking, making cheeses and other raw milk bi-products, soap, and more!

**I'm hoping to not have to increase any prices in 2023 but with the continued rising costs of feed alone it may be necessary.**

Pricing for glass jars of raw (unpasteurized) goat milk:

1 Pint = $3.50**

1 Quart = $5**

1/2 Gallon = $8**

1 Gallon = $16**

Pricing for jugs of raw (unpasteurized) goat milk:

1/2 Gallon = $10


**There is a $3.50 (pint & quart)-$5 (half gallon) per jar/reusable lid deposit added at the first transaction (unless you exchange a jar of the same size with a reusable lid) and any subsequent transaction when a jar of the same size is not exchanged.**


*****Please educate yourself on the health benefits and risks of raw milk bi-products before purchasing. I am not liable for any possible reactions you may have when consuming raw milk or raw milk bi-products. All milk and other products are NOT Licensed, Regulated, or Inspected.*****


Raw Goat Cheeses & More

****We had to make a few price increases to our products for 2023 but hopefully these are the last for the year.**

products currently available by special order:

Chevre (plain or flavored options available) - $1.50/ounce

Fromage Blanc (by special order) - $1.50/ounce

Queso Blanco (two varieties available, by special order) - $1.50/ounce

Ricotta (by special order) - $1.50/ounce

Fresh/Aged Cheddar or Cheddar Cheese Curds (by special order) - $2.25/ounce

"Creamy" Cheese (similar to "Velveeta", by special order) - $1.50/ounce

Yogurt (plain, thick (like yogurt cheese) or thin often both readily available) - $0.75/ounce (please return jars & lids)

"Cheesecake" cups (by special order) - $7 (Small ~3oz) or $14 (Large ~6oz)

"Cheesecake" balls (by special order) - pricing TBD

Sherbet (by special order, various flavors available) - $6.50/half pint, or $12/pint, (special pricing for half gallon if you bring your own container)

Tangy Citrus Sherbet (by special order) - $6.50/half pint, or $12/pint, (special pricing for half gallon if you bring your own container)

Ice Cream (this DOES contain cow cream! but I am going to try to find a different recipe) - $6.50/half pint, or $12/pint, (special pricing for half gallon if you bring your own container)

Frozen Custard (does NOT contain cow products) - $6.50/half pint, or $12/pint, (special pricing for half gallon if you bring your own container)

Sherbet Pops (by special order, various flavors available) - $3/each or 5 for $12

Buttermilk (must be requested) - $3.50/half pint (jar/lid deposit required or bring your own container)

Pudding (Vanilla, Chocolate, or Butterscotch) - 4 oz for $2.50 or 8 oz for $5 (larger quantities possible, request in advance)

NEW PRODUCT(S) COMING in 2023 - Sweetened Condensed Milk, Mozzarella, Cajeta/Carmel, Milk Kefir, Fudge, "Cheesecake" Balls, Whey, and non-dairy Breakfast Cookies may be added! If there is interest in seasonings such as taco, enchilada, burrito, guacamole, pizza, seasoned salt, etc please let me know and I'll do the math and get prices together.

*These options will continue to change and adapt to the needs of our family and customers.*

~A note about special order items: I prefer at least a week heads up but a minimum or 72 hrs heads up is appreciated. This is to allow me to plan my schedule accordingly so that your order will be completed on time. Thank you!~


****Please educate yourself on the health benefits and risks of raw milk bi-products before purchasing. I am not liable for any possible reactions you may have when consuming raw milk or raw milk bi-products.****

*~*~*~All products have NOT been Licensed, Regulated or Inspected.~*~*~*

Coyote Track Ranch


Casper, WY 82604

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