Our herd of goats at this time includes ADGA American and French Alpines and a handful of Boer cross does that we chose based on performance, personality, and conformation. We are constantly striving to improve what we don't like and maintain what we do like. You'll find our goats are happy, healthy, and loved. When they do fall ill you'll find we are quick to help get them healthy again!
We enjoy attending the local ADGA sanctioned goat shows whenever we can.
Contact us for available animals or check out the Goats page for more information.
Our flock of chickens includes purebreds and mixed breeds as well. We strive to keep only birds that are good layers, friendly, and have a good feed to egg conversion. Our flock gets as much free-range time as possible and are always penned up in the coop at night for safety.
In the future we hope to add some meat birds and more laying/dual purpose breeds.
For more information, including availability of eggs, chicks, pullets, and more check out the Chickens page.
There will be times when we have Raw Goat Milk & Raw Goat Milk Bi-Products available for purchase.
If you are interested in raw milk for the 2022 milking "season" please contact me to be put on a list. I will be milking up to 8 does this year so I should have plenty for sale and will hopefully have cheeses and other goodies again as well. I am hoping to deliver to Casper 1X or 2X/week, possibly more often. We now have goodies at The Milk House Farmers Market in Mills! Check them out on facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1116070632538462
Check out the Goat Milk & More page for more information.
Please educate yourself on the health benefits and risks of raw milk and raw milk bi-products before purchasing. I am not liable for any possible reactions you may have when consuming raw milk or raw milk bi-products.