Dragoneyes DMM Betty
American Alpine AA2037694
Born 5/8/19
DHIR: 0-11 306 1410M 3.7% 52F 3.1% 44P (in progress)
SS: +*B SG Dawnwind KJ Mahogany 03-03 86 VV+
S: *B Dawnwind Mahogany Merylin
SD: 4*M SGCH Dawnwind Ideal Marvelle 06-04 88 VEVE
DS: Garden-Dairy Xpresso's Draco
D: 1*M Dragoneyes Draco Saphira
DD: Skalkaho PVFT Katrina
We purchased Betty's dam, Saphira, to fill a gap between milking seasons and went ahead and brought her daughter Betty home with us to get a glimpse of what we can expect from Merylin's daughters. We have been pleasantly surprised with Betty so far and can see some of the improvements that Merylin made to Saphira such as improved width in the chest floor, slightly longer foreudder, and a little more strength/bone. Saphira has been milking around a gallon a day and Merylin's dam, Marvelle, knows how to put it in the pail as well. We have high hopes for Betty in 2020.
Kidding Record
2020: 1 Black buck with some white on head/face, belly, & tail tip
2020/2021 Planned Breeding:
(2021-reservations available on all-see comments on Breeding Plans page)
**ultrasounded late January to discover she likely is cystic, has a false pregnancy, or has hydrometrea...will be discussing this and our options with our vet**
Betty has been sold (2/22/21)

Dragoneyes DMM Betty pictured 6/14/20

Dragoneyes DMM Betty pictured 12/15/19 (snow on her face)

Dragoneyes Draco Saphira pictured 8/11/19
(udder not full)

Dragoneyes Draco Saphira pictured 9/19/19 (lopsided due to still nursing)

Dawnwind Mahogany Merylin pictured September 2019 (side view) and November 2019 (rear view)