born 4/10/17
Lori is 1/2 NubianX 1/2 Toggenburg
Lori's dam milks around 3/4-1 gallon a day (1X/day after kids have been separated). Lori is from a set of triplets.
She milked around 1 1/2 Qts per day including when she was raising her kid (he was being pulled for around 12 hours). In 2019 Lori has been producing 5 to just under 6 pounds of milk 1X day after her kids have been pulled for ~12 hours. Despite being separated from their dam for different amounts of time and their dam being milked the kids have grown extremely well and are almost the same size as Claire's doelings that are a month older.
Lori is a super easy keeper and for that reason alone I would love to keep her. Her udder gets massive however her smaller/shorter teats can make milking her a chore (thankfully she has very nice orifices!).
​Kidding Record
March 2018: 1 buck
April 2019: 1 doe, 1 buck
*~*~Lori and her kids are for sale (due to no fault of their own, our breeding program is just moving in a different direction).~*~*
Lori pictured 9/29/18
Lori pictured 6/11/18