We recently started our adventure in raising pigs for butcher.
As of 12/16/22 we are sold out for December 2022 pork (Berkshire cross).
If you are interested in pork we are planning to have more ready by early December 2023 so please feel free to contact us!
We should have a total of 6 halves again (1 half is already spoken for).
We are working on a feed plan and this may take some time for us to hammer out but as a general rule of thumb I can tell you they will be fattened on goat milk, whey, & other goat milk products as well as grain (cracked and/or whole corn), table scraps, hay and bread products.
$2.65/lb hanging weight - whole
$2.65/lb hanging weight - half
The Balance/Total is DUE to us within 1 week of receiving your notice of the total due unless other arrangements have been made. The total due should be calculated by and buyers should be notified by or before 48 hrs after slaughter.
We typically deal with Pat's Meat Discounter in Mills, WY, BUYER pays all processing fees directly to the processor.