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Horse Legs

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All hens & roosters we have were either hatched by us or Murray McMurray Hatchery.


If you would like a specific breed or cross, please contact us to make a special request. There may be additional fees for special requests.


Chicks will be a cross of any of these breeds unless otherwise specified:

mixed breed (Barred RockX, Barred Rock/Buff Orpington/ Americauna or other)

Americauna /Easter Egger (tinted-green-blue eggs)

Pearl White Leghorn (white eggs)

Black Australorp (brown eggs)

Turken (brown eggs)

unknown red breed (brown eggs)


Day old chick pricing, straight run only:

mixed breed (completely random) = $3

custom cross or purebred chosen by us = $5

custom cross or purebred chosen by customer = $6


All chicks will either be incubator hatched or hatched by a broody hen. All chicks will be given water with electrolytes immediately upon placement in the brooder.


After the first week of age, chick price will go up by approximately $1 per week or until they reach the pullet/young rooster pricing for their "breed".


Please contact us if you're interested in reserving chicks!

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Coyote Track Ranch


Casper, WY 82604

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