Past Goats
for your reference
born in 2015
Fluttershy is a 1/2 Nubian 1/2 Saanen doe. She is the first adult goat weo added to our herd. We also purchased her daughter, Daisy. In 2017 she gave birth to triplets at her previous owners residence and raised all three on her own, we look forward to what she can and will add to our herd!
Fluttershy is currently milking (8/9/17), and is a relatively low milker so far as we only get about 1 pint per day (she is still nursing Daisy though). The previous owners stated she gave 2-4 qts a day when being milked in 2016 and not nursing any kids. Her milk is a little on the "goaty" side, so her milk makes very good cheese! Some of our family also likes drinking her milk straight!
Fluttershy is due July 24th with kids out of Billy. Fluttershy may be for sale in the near future.
**Fluttershy kidded July 22nd with a single buck kid.**
She was milking around 1 1/2- 2 qts per day while also allowing her kid to nurse and be with her 24/7.
**Fluttershy was sold September 1st 2018.**
born 4/27/17
Daisy is 1/2 Nigerian Dwarf, 1/4 Nubian, 1/4 Saanen and is a daughter of Fluttershy. She had a brother and sister born at the same time this year as well.
Daisy blessed us with 2 doe kids on April 5th. One is moon spotted & the other is buckskin & white with blue eyes.
Daisy and her 2 doe kids are for sale for $300. I would prefer to sell them all together but would consider splitting.
Daisy's milk tastes GREAT! I do not know what she may max out at production-wise as I haven't milked her much. She has been recently dewormed. All 3 are current on their CD&T shots/boosters. Daisy is negative for CAE & CL. She is friendly but can be flighty/anxious but is still good with children. Her kids have been disbudded.
**Daisy and her kids were sold late May 2018.**

born 4/11/17
Rowdy is 1/2 LaMancha 1/2 Toggenburg
Rowdy's mother is a favorite of mine. My brother & sister-in-law are the current owners of Rowdy's mother (Camel...ADGA registered NOA as CNJM Nubians Chloe).
Camel is a very good milker, when in her "peak" milking window she milks around 3/4-1 gallon a day (1 milking after kids have been separated). I have not personally tasted her milk, but I know the lambs and goat kids love it!
She is negative for CAE & CL.
Rowdy is due August 1st and her kids will be sired by Billy and/or Rudy.
Rowdy may be for sale. Keep checking back for more information.
**Rowdy kidded August 1st with 1 doe kid (likely out of Rudy).**
**Rowdy and her kid were sold on 9/1/18.**
Billy is our main "man" of the herd! He is 100% Nigerian Dwarf. We were told he has papers, but unfortunately his papers got misplaced in the previous owner's move. I'm currently trying to find out more information on him.
We are looking forward to seeing what this blue-eyed, handsome little guy adds to our herd!
If you're interested in breeding your doe(s) to Billy please contact us for more information.
Billy is for sale! We have decided to move more towards Alpines and other larger-sized dairy breeds so he is looking for some new ladies! So far we are pleased with what we do have out of him and more kids will be hitting the ground in May, June, & July! He is gotten pretty friendly since we acquired him but is definitely not an in your pocket kind of goat. He is current on his CD&T shot/booster. We are hoping to have him tested for CAE & CL the week of May 21st. We are asking $100 or make an offer.
**Billy was sold early June 2018.**